Case Study


Surfing Forecast App

Back-end Engineer

Zhandos Zhangilishbay

Front-end Engineer

Kamila Karamanova

Product Designer

Murat Khamitov





April 2023


1 month


Teniz is a surfing forecast app that provides users with detailed information about wave conditions and surfing spots. It allows users to access their location to find nearby surfing spots or manually add the spots they want to track. The app provides detailed information about wave height, swell period, wind speed, wind direction, wave energy, and tide level. It can also create wave alerts and notify users in advance. Teniz allows users to view current, future, and past week forecasts.


Surfers need to have accurate and up-to-date information about wave conditions to be able to plan their surfing sessions effectively. However, it can be challenging to find this information quickly and easily, especially for surfers who are new to an area or who are traveling to different locations. There is a need for a surfing forecast app that can provide users with detailed information about wave conditions and surfing spots, as well as the ability to create custom alerts to be notified in advance.


Our target user for Teniz is a 21-50 year-old surfer who is passionate about surfing and spends a lot of time on the water. They are always looking for the best waves and are willing to travel to find them. They are tech-savvy and rely on their smartphone to plan their surfing sessions. They value accuracy and reliability when it comes to surfing forecasts and want an app that can provide them with the most up-to-date information.


  • Age: Primarily 21-50

  • Gender: Balanced, with a slight male skew

  • Location: Coastal regions with surfing communities

  • Occupation: Diverse, including professionals, instructors, freelancers

  • Income: Middle to upper-middle class

  • Education: Varied, tech-savvy

  • Lifestyle: Active, outdoorsy, digitally connected

  • Psychographics: Passionate about surfing, values accuracy and reliability in forecasts, environmentally conscious


  • Location-based surfing spots
    Teniz can access your location to find nearby surfing spots, or you can manually add the spots you want to track.

  • Detailed wave conditions
    The app provides detailed information about wave height, swell period, wind speed, wind state, wave energy, and tide level.

  • Custom alerts
    Users can create custom alerts to be notified when wave conditions meet their specific criteria.

  • Forecast history
    Teniz allows users to view current, future week and past forecasts.

Projects Research File

User Flow

  • Onboarding
    When users first open the app, they are prompted to set up their account and select their preferred surfing spots.

  • Home screen
    The home screen displays the user's selected surfing spots and the current wave conditions.

  • Surfing spot details
    Users can tap on a surfing spot to view more detailed information about wave conditions and tide level.

  • Custom alerts
    Users can create custom alerts to be notified when wave conditions meet their specific criteria.

  • Forecast history
    Teniz allows users to view current, future week and past forecasts.

Design Process

  • Research
    We conducted user research to understand the needs and preferences of surfers when it comes to surfing forecast apps. We also looked at competitor apps to identify best practices and areas for improvement.

  • Ideation

    We used the insights from our research to generate ideas for features and functionality that would meet the needs of our target users. We also created user flows and wireframes to visualize how the app would work.

  • Prototyping

    We created a clickable prototype of the app to test with users and gather feedback on the design and functionality.

  • Testing

    We conducted user testing sessions with surfers to validate our design decisions and identify areas for improvement.


Various forecast and surfing icons

Wind direction icons

Spot Search screens

Add Spot, View Spot and View Past Dates


The development and implementation of Teniz, the surfing forecast app, could lead to a range of positive outcomes. Firstly, surfers would enjoy an enhanced surfing experience with access to accurate and up-to-date wave condition information, improving their session planning and safety. This could result in time and cost savings, as users spend less time searching for information and avoid wasted trips to unsuitable surf spots. Additionally, Teniz could foster community engagement among surfers, providing a platform for sharing recommendations and experiences while contributing to environmental awareness by offering insights into tide levels and other factors. The app might also create business opportunities through partnerships with surf-related businesses. Furthermore, Teniz could yield valuable data insights about surfing trends and user behaviour, facilitating continuous improvement of its features and services. Overall, Teniz has the potential to create a more informed, connected, and enjoyable surfing community, benefiting individual surfers and the broader surfing ecosystem alike.

© 2024 Murat Khamitov